Tech Glossary

What is NUnit?

NUnit is a software framework for creating and running tests on .NET applications. It is free to use and available for various operating systems. NUnit is used to test code written in the C# language. NUnit is one of several different software frameworks for creating tests on .NET applications. Other options are the Microsoft Unit Testing Framework and NUnit has been around since 2002 and was created by Charlie Poole. NUnit 3.0 was released in May 2016. NUnit 3.0 includes support for the .NET Framework 4.5.2 and .NET Core 1.0. NUnit 3.0 is backward compatible with previous versions of NUnit. To create tests in NUnit, the so-called attributes are used. An attribute is a metadata namespace that contains information about the code. The NUnit attributes are used to specify how the code should be tested. One of the most used attributes in NUnit is [Test]. [Test] is used to indicate that a method is a test method. The test methods contain code that tests what is to be tested. [TestFixture] is another attribute used in NUnit. [TestFixture] is used to indicate that a class contains test methods. To run the tests in NUnit, the so-called NUnit test program is used. The NUnit test program is a program run from the command prompt t
