Tech Glossary

What is Emacs?

Emacs is a text editor originally developed by Richard Stallman. Emacs is free software and is available for several different operating systems. Emacs uses a command interpreter (lisp interpreter) to execute the various commands that the user enters. This makes Emacs highly customizable and versatile. Emacs can be used for everything from simple text editing to advanced programming and is therefore a very useful tool for many different types of users. Emacs is a very powerful text editor and has many different functions and possibilities. However, this also makes it a bit more difficult to learn and use. Emacs is not easy to get started with for beginners, but it is very well documented and there are many good resources for those who want to learn. There are many different text editors on the market, both free and commercial. Most of these are not comparable to Emacs in power and customizability. We mention some of the most famous text editors here: Microsoft Word is a commercial text editor that is very user-friendly and has many different functions. However, Word is not comparable to Emacs in power and customizability. LibreOffice Writer is a free text editor comparable to Microsoft Word in ease of use and features. However, Li